Promotion and Tenure

Promotion & Tenure Videos

Expectations Videos and PowerPoint Presentations

Video Message from Caula Beyl, Dean of the Herbert College of Agriculture, on teaching expectations.

Teaching Expectations PowerPoint

Video Message from Ashley Stokes, Dean of UT Extension, on Extension expectations.

Extension Expectations PowerPoint

Video Message from Hongwei Xin, Dean of UT AgResearch, on research expectations.

Research Expectations PowerPoint

Post-Tenure Review

UTIA Post-Tenure Review Performance Processes (PDF)

UTIA College Criteria and Expectations for Rank (PDF)


UTIA College Criteria and Expectations for Rank (PDF)

2019 – 2020 Timeline for Post-Tenure Performance Review (PDF)

Summary Sheet – Recommendations for Promotion and/or Tenure (interactive PDF)

Early Promotion & Tenure Checklist (PDF)

Summary Sheet for Non-Tenure Track Faculty (PDF)

Request for Tenure Upon Initial Appointment (PDF)